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Food Pantries At Rise At Iowa’s Universities


Plenty of students at Iowa Universities manage to use the food pantries and grab a couple of things they require.

October 30, 2023

 From being stigmatized to being popular, the food pantries at Iowa Universities are attracting lines of students eager to go inside and get the things they need. 

Recent surges in food pantry usage at Iowa’s public universities correlate with increasing tuition fees, escalating food costs, and a demographic change that includes more first-generation, low-income, and minority students attending college.

In 2022-2023, Iowa State University reported 13,016 visits and 147,716 pounds of food distributed to students. This is about nine times the food distributed in previous years. 

Likewise, the University of Northern Iowa saw a jump from 1674 to 2926 visits compared to the years before. 

Food pantry usage almost doubled since 2020 during August and September at the University of Iowa. 

The issue of food insecurity among students is not something new but has always been there. Fortunately, now they are given the much-needed help from the food pantries.


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Miller Vanessa. “Use of food pantries growing at Iowa’s universities”. The Gazette, October 28, 2023, 

Use of food pantries growing at Iowa’s universities | The Gazette


Last Updated: September 20, 2021