Food News
Zionsville Food Pantry Celebrates Its Opening Of New Facility
The Zionsville food pantry used to distribute food inside the church but later on constructed its facility to help people in need.
Aaron Doucett/Unsplash
For the last 30 years, the volunteers have been serving food to those in need inside the Zionsville Presbyterian Church. But soon, they realized the need for a new space. The Zionsville food pantry has a space of its own after one year of construction.
Volunteers no longer have to turn anything away as they have a 5400-square-foot facility that includes freezers, walk-in refrigerators, and plenty of storage space. Now, the volunteers are making a racking system for additional storage.
On average, the Zionsville food pantry serves 70-100 clients per week and is one of the few food pantries that apply for food deliveries from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The families also tend to get a choice among a few items. The families can also choose from the range of fruits available in the food pantry.
Running the food pantry and serving the people in need requires 40 volunteers. Besides this, the food pantry is always open to welcome groups and individuals who want to get involved, pick up donations, and do other tasks.
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Gibson Melissa. “Zionsville Food Pantry celebrates grand opening of new facility”. Reporter. Net, September 1, 2023,
Zionsville Food Pantry celebrates grand opening of new facility | Local News |
Last Updated: September 20, 2021