Funding News
HUD To Give $22.5 Million Funds To Public Housing Authorities For Jobs Plus Program
With the help of funding received from HUD, public housing residents can gain employment and education opportunities.

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Washington- Nearly 22.5 Million will be made available by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to Public Housing Authorities so that they can help families increase their income and bring a significant improvement in their economic mobility through the Jobs Plus program. HUD’s Jobs Plus program is designed to promote job readiness and facilitate the connection between public housing residents and employment, education, and financial empowerment services. The program is a proven model and has helped plenty of public housing residents find jobs. Besides this, the program also supports HUD’s Bridging the wealth gap which looks after economic justice and asset building for renters.
HUD’s Secretary, Marcia L. Fudge said, “Programs like Jobs Plus help individuals and families to reach their goals. This funding notice allows Public Housing Authorities to become a resource to their residents so that they can thrive.”
The Jobs Plus Program fosters community-wide support for employment by integrating conventional job placement services, training opportunities, and workforce development programs with a rent incentive and targeted investments. Public housing authorities (PHAs) are encouraged to collaborate with the Department of Labor’s Workforce Development Boards and American Jobs Centers as part of this initiative. Furthermore, recipients of Jobs Plus grants must showcase a 25 percent contribution from community partners who offer comprehensive support services aimed at enhancing employment and income results. The economic aspects of the public housing residents can be changed with cross-country partnerships. With the help of this program, the residents tend to support each other, enhancing economic resiliency and cultivating the work culture.
No doubt that the fundamentals of the program have not changed but there are some changes introduced in the program. The changes strive to provide clarity regarding the key components of the program along with the allowance of PHA’s to meet the eligibility with smaller populations of workable adults than before. As per the changes made in the program, the applicants are required to meet with the program leadership to discuss implementation, feasibility, and impact.
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Department of Housing and Urban Development. “HUD Makes $22.5 Million In Funding Available To Public Housing Authorities For Jobs Plus Program”. HUD, June 6, 2023,
HUD Makes $22.5 Million in Funding Available to Public Housing Authorities for Jobs Plus Program | HUD.gov / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Last Updated: September 20, 2021