Public Housing Buildings
- Year Started 1937
- Administratering Agency Local housing authority
- Total Units Count 1.2 million
- Total Assisted Units Count 1.2 million
- # Persons / Houshold Served Low-income families and individuals
- Funding Agency U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
- Population Targeted Low-income families and individuals
- Client Group Type Low-income families and individuals
- Housing Type Name Public housing
- Last Updated April 25, 2023
If the resource information above is incorrect, please notify your local HUD field office.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development displays the location of the individual buildings lying within the public housing units throughout the entire U.S. All low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities can take advantage of the HUD’s public housing program as public housing was established to provide safe and decent rental housing.
Public Housing Buildings indicate the locations and characteristics of the tenants of public housing development buildings. The federal aid provided by the HUD to the local housing agencies manages the housing for the people who can’t afford the high rents. In addition to this, HUD also provides technical and professional assistance for planning, developing, and managing public housing buildings.
Many housing buildings accommodate individuals’ and families’ Public Housing needs. For more information please search for your local housing authority above.
Frequently Asked Questions
Statutory and Regulatory Authority

Section 202, Housing Act of 1959
- 12 U.S.C.A. § 1701q
Section 811, National Affordable Housing Act of 1990
- 42 U.S.C.A § 8013
Select HUD Regulations
- 24 C.F.R. Part 247 (evictions)
- 24 C.F.R. Part 891 (supportive housing for the elderly and persons with disabilities)
HUD Resources

For more information, search to contact your local HUD .