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HUD Charges Owner And Property Manager With Discrimination Based On Sex

A tenant filed a complaint against the property manager and owner for asking for sexual favors from her in exchange for rent. 


September 7, 2023

The owner, agent, and property manager of multiple single rental properties in the Springfield Missouri area is charged with housing discrimination for subjecting a female tenant to sexual harassment such as making requests for sexual favors in exchange for rent and unwanted touching by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. 

All forms of housing discrimination including the sexual harassment of tenants based on race, sex, national origin, religion, family status, and disability are prohibited by the Fair Housing Act. 

HUD’s Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Demetria L. McCain said, “Subjecting tenants to unwelcome sexual advances and sexual harassment is outrageous and a clear violation of the law. Today’s charge sends a clear message to all landlords that HUD is committed to taking action against landlords whose behavior violates the Fair Housing Act.”


HUD made this charge on behalf of the tenant and her children who alleged that Jimmy Bell made sexual comments to the tenant and pressured her to provide sexual favors when she was no longer capable of paying the rent. The charge also said that Bell grabbed the intimate areas of the tenant. Consequently, the tenant along with her children moved out of the property. 

The United States Administrative Law Judge will hear this charge of HUD unless any party chooses to have the case heard in Federal District Court. If the judge finds out that the discrimination has occurred, he may pay the damages to the complainant. The Judge can also impose fines to vindicate public interest. The Judge can award punitive damages also if the case goes to the Federal Court. 

Likewise, if you believe that you have experienced housing discrimination, then you can reach out to HUD’s office and file a complaint. 

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Department of Housing and Urban Development. “HUD Charges Owner And Property Manager Of Missouri Area Rental Properties With Discrimination Based On Sex”. Department of Housing and Urban Development, September 1, 2023, 

HUD Charges Owner and Property Manager of Missouri Area Rental Properties with Discrimination Based on Sex | / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Last Updated: September 20, 2021