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Biden Warns Of Hunger Due To Government Shutdown


Due to the government shutdown, Biden along with others warns of the rise in hunger because the benefits will come to an end. 


September 28, 2023

 U.S. President Biden along with his top aides warned that the government shutdown will lead to suffering and loss of food benefits to nearly $7 Million low-income women and children. 

Biden also held a meeting and said that Congress’s inability to fund the government could have drastic consequences for the Black Community such as a decline in nutrition benefits, enforcement of fair housing laws, and inspections of hazardous waste sites. 

Tom Vilsack, U.S. The Agriculture Secretary reported that 7 Million participants in the Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) would see a reduction in benefits after the shutdown happens. 

This is because nearly half of the newborns in the U.S. rely on WIC benefits to fulfill their needs. A separate benefits program such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) will continue as it is in October but there are chances of it getting affected later on. 

In 2022, over 40 million Americans depended on SNAP due to financial pressures exacerbated by inflation and the COVID-19 pandemic, which increased the prices of various goods. 

In the event of a government shutdown, loans to farmers and prospective homebuyers in rural areas will halt, affecting harvests and property purchases, respectively. Additionally, a shutdown would lead to the furlough of over 50,000 Department of Agriculture employees, resulting in a loss of their income.

On Tuesday, House lawmakers were scheduled to consider four upcoming fiscal year spending bills, which propose new restrictions on abortion access, the cancellation of an $11 billion climate initiative by the Biden administration, and the continuation of the U.S.-Mexico border wall construction initiated by former President Trump. President Biden has promised to veto at least two of these proposed bills.


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Holland Steve. “Biden, US officials warn of hunger for millions in a government shutdown”. Reuters, September 26, 2023, 

Biden, US officials warn of hunger for millions in a government shutdown | Reuters


Last Updated: September 20, 2021