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Grand Rapids Housing Commission Opens Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List

The Housing Commission has opened the Section 8 housing choice voucher program waiting list to land people in safe and secure housing. 

October 26, 2023

The Grand Rapids Housing Commission is accepting new applications to get on a waiting list for its housing choice voucher program this week. 

One in four households is eligible for housing assistance like Section 8 makes it to the day they get a voucher across the United States. 

Since 2019, it’s the first time that the wait list in Grand Rapids has been opened for new families to apply. The Housing Commission also reveals that they won’t be able to accept everyone signed up for the housing choice voucher. 

One executive from the Grand Rapids Housing Commission says that they are going to keep 5,000 names on the waiting list out of 6,000 applications. 

Interested applicants will be entered into a lottery for a slot on the waiting list. Applications will be open on October 27 for the eligible ones. The families making 80% of the median income will be considered as eligible for the waiting list. The Housing Commission will focus on families making 30% of the median income which is around 16,500 dollars. 

Even if an individual or family manages to receive a voucher, the journey to affordable housing will not be done. Even if someone manages to come to the top of the list and is issued a voucher, they are not able to find a housing unit. 

The waitlist for housing can vary from two to four years, based on housing availability and the present situation. The Housing Commission identifies the soaring rent prices in and around Grand Rapids as their primary challenge currently.

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Dunmire Julie. “Grand Rapids Housing Commission opens voucher wait list”. Fox 17 Online, October 25, 2023, 

Grand Rapids Housing Commission opens voucher wait list (

Last Updated: September 20, 2021