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LIHEAP To Help Low-Income Households


The LIHEAP program helps low-income households and families struggling to pay their heating and cooling bills.

December 5, 2023

Millions of Americans paying for necessities like food and heating can be a struggle as we celebrate the holiday season. Fortunately, programs like the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) exist to help low-income households afford the necessities.
LIHEAP is a federal program supplying grants to the U.S. States, territories, and tribes to help families so that they can pay their energy bills. Each entity applies for the LIHEAP grants directly which comes in the form of grants to give to households in need. Each state or territory sets its eligibility criteria based on income. The minimum income decided by the state ranges from 110-150% of the federal poverty line. The main focus of LIHEAP funds are households having low income, families with elderly or disabled members, or the ones who spend most of their income on heating and cooling bills.


The LIHEAP program, serving about 5.7 million American households, received a significant increase in funding for 2023, with a 56 percent rise compared to the previous year, reaching $6.1 billion. This increased funding is crucial for many households, ensuring they can pay their energy bills during the holiday season. While natural gas utilities don’t disconnect customers for overdue bills during the heating season, supporting low-income customers financially remains essential for their overall well-being. LIHEAP provides confidence to millions of low-income customers that they can afford to keep their homes warm and safe.


2022 was an unprecedented year for global energy markets despite this massive increase. The storm of cold weather, limited takeaway capacity, and an uncertain global market. Despite prices coming back down, it took some time for the change in price to make its way to regulatory bodies and customers.

The American Gas Association (AGA) is urging Congress to provide additional funding for LIHEAP, seeking an extra $1.6 billion in funding to support low-income households. This initiative has garnered strong bipartisan support, and AGA is committed to advocating for the welfare of vulnerable customers.


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The content provided in this article draws inspiration and includes quotes from various reputable sources, including news articles, government data, and interviews. Affordable Housing 411 strives to ensure accuracy and credibility, but the information presented may be based on some external sources. We encourage readers to refer to the referenced materials for more in-depth insights and verification.

American Gas Association. “Low-Income Households Deserve Affordable Heating”. American Gas Association, December 5, 2023,
Low-Income Households Deserve Affordable Heating – American Gas Association (


Last Updated: September 20, 2021