

State in United States

Michigan has a land area of 56,591.0 square miles and a water area of 40,097.0 square miles. It is the 22nd largest state by area. Michigan is bordered by Indiana, Ohio, Minnesota, Illinois, and Wisconsin.

Population and People

  • Total Population

    InformationData from Census Bureau
  • Average Age

    40.2 Year
    InformationData from Census Bureau
  • Senior Population (65 years and older)

    InformationData from Census Bureau
  • Veterans

    InformationData from Census Bureau

Income and Poverty

  • Median Household Income

    InformationData from Census Bureau
  • Poverty

    InformationData from Census Bureau

Employment and Labor Force

  • Total Eligible Employment Population

    InformationData from Census Bureau
  • Unemployed

    InformationData from Census Bureau


  • Housing Units

    InformationData from Census Bureau
  • Median Gross Rent (in dollars)

    InformationData from Census Bureau
  • Gross Rent vs Percentage of Household Income: Less Than 30% Household Income

    InformationData from Census Bureau
  • Gross Rent vs Percentage of Household Income: 30% or More of Household Income

    InformationData from Census Bureau
  • Median Home Price (in dollars)

    InformationData from Census Bureau
  • Renter Rate

    InformationData from Census Bureau
  • Homeownership Rate

    InformationData from Census Bureau


  • Disabled

    InformationData from Census Bureau

The Department of Housing and Urban Development is on its mission to provide decent and affordable housing to Americans with low-income. Within the United States there are 10 different geographical regions that HUD has been divided into. Depending on where your state is located you would be zoned to one of these Regional Offices. To find your Regional office: Affordable Housing411 Regional Office Page.

Within these Regional Offices zones there are 54 different Field Offices. Again, depending on your location you will be zoned to a particular Field Office. To Find Your Field Office visit: Affordable Housing411 Field Offices Page.

Lastly locally there are almost 4,000 Local Housing Authorities Offices. To find your local office visit: Affordable Housing411 Public Housing Authority Page

Each State or area can have different income limits and eligibility requirements. We recommend you contact your local housing authority for specific income guidelines.

The State of Michigan is located in Chicago Regional Office. Within Michigan there are . Throughout Michigan there are 127 Public Housing Authority Offices.

We at Affordable Housing 411, have gathered all the contact information for all of HUD’s Offices. We want to be an advocate for those in need of affordable housing.


The Detroit Field Office is available to answer general questions about HUD programs administered within the state of Michigan. In order to provide you with the best customer service experience, please read through the items below before calling:

  1. If you are currently, or are in danger of becoming homeless, please dial 2-1-1 on your phone or contact your closest Housing Assessment Resource Agency for information on local housing resources available to you.
  2. If you are seeking a full or partial payoff amount, subordination request, or other specific information relating to an FHA loan please contact the National Servicing Center at 877-622-8525 or utilize the new SMART Integrated Portal for faster service.
  3. For general questions about FHA loans or programs contact the FHA Resource Center at 800-CALL-FHA (800-225-5342) or by email at answers@hud.gov.
  4. Are you currently seeking affordable/assisted housing (commonly known as Section 8)? In addition to resources available through the Housing Assessment Resource Agency, please use the HUD Resource Locator or Get Rental Help sites to find nearby affordable housing, both are searchable down to the address level. The Detroit Field Office does not directly issue or control individual vouchers nor does it provide direct housing assistance payments on behalf of individuals in affordable housing. These items are managed by the local housing authority or the individual developments listed on the sites mentioned earlier.
  5. If you are a homeowner and are seeking homeowner rehabilitation assistance please review the resources available on our homeownership site.

For questions about FHA loans or programs, contact our FHA Resource Center:






Public Housing Authority in Michigan

See All


Owning a home is a big part of the American Dream. Here are some resources that can help you buy, maintain and keep your home.

Getting Started

Buying a Home

Owning and Maintaining Your Home

Population by Age Range in Michigan

Age and Sex

40.2 +/- 0.1

Median Age in Michigan

Arrow Down Sign

Age and Sex

40.2 +/- 0.1
Median Age in Michigan
38.8 +/- 0.1
Median Age in United States

Population by Age Range in Michigan

Chart Survey/Program: 2022 ACS 5-Year Estimates Data Profiles

Older Population by Age Range in Michigan

Older Population

18.10 +/- 0.1

65 Years and Older in Michigan

Arrow Down Sign

Older Population

18.10 +/- 0.1
65 Years and Older in Michigan
16.8 +/- 0.1
65 Years and Older in United States

Older Population by Age in Michigan

Chart Survey/Program: 2022 ACS 5-Year Estimates Data Profiles

Veterans in Michigan


6.00 +/- 0.1

Veterans in Michigan

Arrow Down Sign


6.00 +/- 0.1
Veterans in Michigan
6.4 +/- 0.1
Veterans in United States

Veterans in Michigan

Chart Survey/Program: 2022 ACS 5-Year Estimates Data Profiles

Median Household Income in Michigan

Median Household Income

$63,498 +/- $526

Median Household Income in Michigan

Arrow Down Sign

Median Household Income

$63,498 +/- $526
Median Household Income in Michigan
$69,717 +/- $134
Median Household Income in United States

Median Household Income in Michigan

Chart Survey/Program: 2022 ACS 5-Year Estimates Data Profiles

Poverty in Michigan


13.10 +/- 0.3

Poverty in Michigan

Arrow Down Sign


13.10 +/- 0.3
Poverty in Michigan
12.8 +/- 0.1
Poverty in United States

Poverty in Michigan

Chart Survey/Program: 2022 ACS 5-Year Estimates Data Profiles

Educational Attainment in Michigan

Educational Attainment

31.70 +/- 0.3

Educational Attainment in Michigan

Arrow Down Sign

Educational Attainment

31.70 +/- 0.3
Bachelor's Degree or Higher in Michigan
35.0 +/- 0.1
Bachelor's Degree or Higher in United States

Educational Attainment in Michigan

Chart Survey/Program: 2022 ACS 5-Year Estimates Data Profiles

Employment and Labor Force Status in Michigan

Employment rate

56.60% +/- 0.3%

Employment rate in Michigan

Arrow Down Sign

Employment rate

56.60% +/- 0.3%
Employment rate in Michigan
58.6% +/- 0.1%
Employment rate in United States


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HUD Region V Michigan Partners and Stakeholders This list is open to any individual or organization interested in the latest news, announcements, program updates, training opportunities and other helpful HUD resources in Michigan and Region V.

For more information, search U.S. CENSUS BUREAU

Last Updated: August 23, 2023