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Alabama State Field Office Director Elated At The New Community Development And Offers Remarks
Kenneth Free was glad to see the development of the new community and offered remarks at its ribbon cutting.
Miten Patel/Pexels
The remarks were offered by the Alabama HUD field office director named Kenneth E. Free at the ribbon cutting for phase 2 of the villas at Titusville in Birmingham, AL on July 22, 2022. The Villas at Titusville will not only replace the old Loveman Village Community but will also undergo three-phase development. Loveman Village had fallen into disrepair and became a breeding ground for crime in the community. The village had nearly 600 affordable housing units.
One of the commitments of the officials was to reduce the neighborhood’s density when they set out to replace the community. Consequently, only half of the total units in the old community are to be located at the site where the old neighborhood was demolished. Besides this, several housing units are also built at two other locations as a replacement for the units in Loveman Village.
The ribbon cutting will include participants like Birmingham’s Mayor’s office, Rodger Smitherman, and organizations’ representatives to make the new community a reality.
The transformative changes made by the new development amazed the long-term residents of the community. Compared to the old neighborhood where housing units stacked to provide quantity not quality, the latest development features open spaces and amenities.
The Field office remarked HABD on its vision and willingness to work with many partners to make the new community possible. He was also pleased to notice that the new community met the HUD-supported community standards and was a place where he could peacefully let his mother live.
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Department of Housing and Urban Development. “Alabama State Field Office Director Offers Remarks At Ribbon Cutting For Affordable Housing Community”. HUD, July 27, 2023, Alabama Stories
Last Updated: September 20, 2021