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Reed To Deliver $576,000 To Help Homeless Veterans Find Housing

Senator Reed is making efforts to permanently house homeless veterans and provide them the much-needed assistance.

January 30, 2024

Washington, D.C.- U.S. Senator Jack Reed announced an additional $575,829 in federal funding to help homeless veterans and their families find and retain permanent housing. The program is a combination of rental assistance from HUD and clinical services from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs.

This funding will make up to 50 new permanent housing vouchers provided by the HUD and Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program to permanently house homeless veterans and their families.

This became possible only because of Senator Reed’s efforts to increase funding for HUD-VASH. Veterans who are part of the HUD-VASH program will receive assistance in terms of vouchers to rent privately owned housing. With these housing vouchers, the veterans and their families can live in market-rate rental units while the VA will provide them other services such as mental health treatment, health care, employment assistance, and others which will keep them housed.

Senator Reed said, “These new vouchers will help find stable homes for unhoused veterans and give them a chance to get off the street and back on their feet. The housing market in Rhode Island is extremely competitive and we’ve got to look out for veterans and ensure they aren’t left behind. These HUD-VASH vouchers go beyond housing services to really help veterans with the services and support they need. These veterans have experienced real hardships, and HUD-VASH provides a critical lifeline for them, from finding them a place to call home to providing hands-on counseling and case management to help them get back on their feet.”

In 2007, during the ‘Great Recession,’ the U.S. saw its peak in homeless veterans with about 154,000 reported by the VA. Currently, approximately 35,574 veterans are experiencing homelessness on any given night across the country, marking a 7% increase from the previous year.

The recent rise in homelessness among veterans is due to factors like the rising cost of housing nationwide and the end of COVID-related programs designed to prevent homelessness. Reed commended Rhode Island agencies and nonprofits for their collaboration and proactive efforts in connecting homeless and at-risk veterans with essential services such as housing, healthcare, employment, and other comprehensive support.

Veterans who are experiencing homelessness or are at risk of becoming homeless can contact the National Call Center For Homeless Veterans and get the desired assistance.

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United States Senator For Rhode Island. “Reed Delivers $576,000 to Help 50 More Homeless Veterans Find Housing”. United States Senator For Rhode Island, January 30, 2024,
Reed Delivers $576,000 to Help 50 More Homeless Veterans Find Housing | Senator Jack Reed (

Last Updated: September 20, 2021